專屬台灣新創的 AWS Activate

利用價值高達 25,000 美金的 AWS Activate 點數,您可以快速在 AWS 上開始建立您的專案,快速進入市場,並且降低您的雲端成本。

AWS Activate Program is a free program open to startups that empowers you to innovate, build, and grow. With $1,000 USD in AWS Activate credits*, $350 USD in Developer Support credits, and best practice architectural guidance, you can quickly get started on AWS, go to market faster, and lower your costs. Whether you are just getting started, or already building on AWS, AWS Activate helps you go further.

*AWS Activate credits are subject to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms & Conditions.

Eligibility criteria

To apply to AWS Activate Program, your startup must meet the following criteria:

- Have an active AWS Account
- Startup must be less than 5 years old
- Startup must be unfunded or funded (up to and including Pre-Seed, Angel, Seed, and Series A)
- A valid LinkedIn profile (applicant)
- A valid company website or web profile
- Have not previously received credits from AWS Activate Founders^ or Portfolio package

^ Not applicable for startups who are affiliated to an Activate provider or backed by institutional funding

在全球生成式AI浪潮的席捲下,AWS 透過巧妙靈活的生成式AI工具設計,讓即便是對機器學習毫無經驗的你,也能輕鬆在AI領域中快速掌握競爭優勢,即刻加入 AWS Activate program,你將獲得:

1. 高達 US$25,000 AWS 雲端積分

2. AWS 專家一對一技術支援

3. 鏈結 AWS & Amazon 商業資源

4. 六大生成式 AI 工具

*AWS Activate 點數須受有關條款和條件約束。


– 適用於任何創辦人,無論是否成立公司
– 擁有正常運作的公司網站或線上公開資料
– 如果有成立新創公司,期間必須少於十年

從91App到17LIVE,從KKBOX、kkday再到Surveycake,與台灣頂尖新創一起在 AWS Activate 的支持下成長茁壯,在這生成式AI時代,讓我們攜手共創新機!

現在就立即申請屬於您的 AWS Activate 點數!